
Entries in Best Gifts for Guys (3)


LET'S HEAR IT FOR THE BOY | Our Fail-Proof Father's Day Gift Guide

via RW&CO.

Originally posted in The CLOSET

My husband was just away for 8 days in Winnipeg. I knew that we would miss him. But I also knew I could handle it. If nothing else, I know how to get sh*% (shtuff) done. As laissez-faire as my friends might think of me, momming and running my own business have taught me how to multi-task like a pro. And I did it all. I got it all done. We got to school on time. After drop-off, I managed to get from Kitchener to Toronto and back again each day in time for pick-up. I didn't miss a single soccer practice. The laundry was folded, the house was clean(ish), they practiced their piano. We even managed to not run out of groceries.  I was exhausted all. the. time. but it all got done. 

But here's the thing: we didn't quite get it all done. Because it's not all about checking off lists and showing up. It's the other stuff my husband does every day that makes his absence felt every time he goes away. It's the jokes and the laughing and the fun. It's the time he takes with our kids to talk about their deep thoughts at bedtime and recount their dreams at breakfast.  It's the way he knows how to let things go and sometimes be late and be toootally okay with it. Oh, and it's also the getting up early because he knows I'm not a morning person and taking out the garbage (we like to keep some things tradish) and the help with literally everything else  around the house that I miss a lot, too. Dads are good like that. 

With Father's Day around the corner, it's time to thank the amazing dads in our lives. From sporty to stylish, from baller to boss, we've got your dad covered this Father's Day...





LET'S HEAR IT FOR THE BOY | Our Ultimate Dad's Day Gift Guide

You're welcome ;)

Originally posted in The CLOSET

You've got to hand it to dads. I mean, enduring ballet recitals, waiting out endless bathroom takeovers and braving the long teenage years is enough to make even the most sane guy want to midlife crisis his way into a red Camaro. Dads are expected to keep things fun when moms like me get naggy. Do this. Do that. I mean do this, that way. Do that, but you're doing that all wrong. My husband can only take so much direction, at which point bedtime hits and he starts spontaneously hurling packs of candy at my daughter and doing bad-ass ninja taekwondo with my son. Must be some evolutionary response to eons of nagging wives. 

I was lucky to grow up with the best dad who, though he's sadly passed away, will always be with me. When I find myself taking life too seriously, I think of the look my dad would have given me and it always makes me laugh. When I find myself rushing through my day, I remember how my dad and I would spend hours staring at the clouds, magically willing them to evaporate away. When I get too stuck in a routine, I'll whisk my kids off to do something exciting because nobody taught me the value of adventure more than my spontaneous dad. He was also the first one to arrive in any crisis and the first person I'd call if I needed a cry. I now watch my husband with my kids and feel so lucky that they're growing up with a wonderful dad, too. He makes crepes on Sundays, he takes them on bike rides through the city, and makes bedtime stories way more exciting than any author could ever have imagined. Dads might not parent exactly like moms, but it turns out that's a very good thing.

Whether he's an athlete, a techie, a wannabe hipster or just a laid-back kinda bro, we've rounded up the top gifts to show him how much you appreciate every little thing. We love you, dads! 






No BBs in this guide, but we have included a fine version by NERF. Photo A Christmas Story.

Originally posted in The LOOK

When it comes to holiday shopping, I'm here to help. With the dozens of gifts on your to-get list this year, the last thing you need is one more thing to do. And so, I've done a little legwork for you and surveyed some of the men in my life - from my husband to bachelor friends to my 9 year-old nephew, to find out what guys REALLY want this Christmas.

Whether he's an avid athlete, a world traveller, or just likes to get his game on, check out my 2013 Men's Gift Guide, with ideas for every guy on your list. Good luck out there, ladies. Oh, and be sure to check back for the Girls' Guide.