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Hopa for your Closet

Like all of you, I'm faced with the same what-to-wear dilemma every single morning so I decided to give my closet a mini overhaul.  The plan was to toss or recycle every single one of my metal and plastic hangers that, no matter what, made my wardrobe look cheap and disorganized, and replace them with wooden hangers.  I wanted to feel like I was going shopping every morning instead of sorting through somebody's junkpile.

Ikea was the destination of choice and I headed for the closet section, ready to snap up a bunch of their Bumerang hangers.  Then, out of nowhere, an off-duty-model type long-strided her way by me (clearly on a mission), turned up her nose at the Bumerangs and headed straight for a bin marked 'Hopa'.  I arrived at the bin and pulled out a 5-pack to discover hangers that looked curiously similar to the Bumerang but noticeably thinner - sort of like me and the model.

The Hopa is a revelation; pretty and gentle on your clothes but unlike its wider cousin, doesn't take up a ton of room in your closet.  I brought home my new Hopas, recycled the old offenders and now have a beautifully colour-coordinated closet that makes me excited to get dressed in the morning.  All that in a piece of wood - amazing.  The Hopa hangers (5-pack for $2.99) are available at Ikea stores nationwide.   

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Reader Comments (3)

I've seen your's gorgeous, probably even without hopa hangers...

November 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSara Lancaster

I couldn't agree with you more about clothes hangers. Something so simple that can take your closet to a much higher level.


November 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMOI

I always love your comments, SL and MOI. Keep 'em coming! xo

November 17, 2010 | Registered Commenterrealliferunway

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