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Super NOVA

I'll be honest. The last two weeks have been great. I've eaten everything and done nothing. You'd think that after all of that doing nothing and eating everything that I would have been primed to jump right back into action yesterday. And yet, there I sat, staring at my computer, continuing to do nothing productive. I picked up Amy Poehler's new book (which I love, btw), went skiing with my husband in the afternoon WITHOUT the kids, and then topped off my epic productivity with a binge 3-hour watch of the new season of The Bachelor, including a 1 hour red carpet featuring Bachelor C-listers to kick off what promises to be the most romantic, shocking season yet. Oh, and I whitened my teeth. Yup. 

So, today, I'm back to work. For real this time. But instead of diving into the deep end, I'm easing my way, inch by inch, into the so-far-calm waters of 2015. My uniform for these first few weeks? This perfectly loungey outfit from Bootlegger's pretty new NOVA Collection. With its Kit & Ace vibe, it's ready for yoga or weekends or any day you're lucky enough to be at home, especially if your holidays weren't nearly as relaxing or stress-free as you'd hoped. And since all three pieces check out for a total of under $100 (remember to use code 'TOONIESHIP' for $2 shipping), I highly recommend you pick up the whole outfit.

It's all about balance. Or at the very least, attempting to restore it. Happy new year xx


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Reader Comments (2)

This is perfect!! Love it!!! Ps I just finished YES PLEASE .. Just wait till the part where she describes her love for her two boys....:)

January 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSL

I can't wait! I love her so.

January 6, 2015 | Registered Commenterrealliferunway

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