
Entries in Back to School (5)


BACK-TO-SCHOOL 101 | 50 School-Ready Scores for the Rest of Us

via Blackwell Supply Co.

Originally posted in The CLOSET

I've never believed in letting kids have all the fun. I'm not saying kids shouldn't have any fun - that would make me the worst -  I'm just stating that fun should be shared by all ages, don't you think? And when it comes to fall shopping, we should never stop getting those back-to-school feels. There's a certain sadness about saying goodbye to summer for sure; but there's also that feeling of anticipation, of wondering what's coming next, of starting fresh.

Since September's widely considered to be the real start of the new year in the fashion calendar, now is the time to take stock of your stuff, donate the old/ugly/ill-fitting and shop for some new things. Whether you're a teen, a twenty-something, or are someone like me who basically just loves any excuse to shop, I've rounded up 50 of my fave school-ready finds below. You might be going to an actual school; I'm currently enrolled in a school called life. It's a stretch, I know. Either way, we all need to shop, right? Happy new school year, lovelies! Hope you're enjoying every last little minute of summer xx




SAVED BY THE BELL | Our Top 25 Kids Picks for Back-to-School


Originally posted in The CLOSET

Alright, here we go. It's time to get real, for real this time. I mean, let's face it: school starts in less than 2 weeks. I CAN'T. And yet, I must. I mean, as a mom to two young kids, I know how important it is to shop for the best things before all the sizes run out.  I know how much it means to my kids to have pants that don't fall short, shoes that actually fit and of course, aaalll the cool kid swag.  

The start of school is kind of a big deal so in my mind, it should be marked - and if marking an occasion requires shopping, that's always a win in my books. For back-to-school '17, there are so many cute things to get excited about - think graphic tees that are as cool as they are cute, shoes that can handle the pressure of any playground and magic sequins on everything. Basically, if I wish it came in my size, I'm buying it for them. 




BUY NOW, WEAR LATER | These 15 Affordable Fall Finds Will Prime Your Closet for the Season Ahead

via Dynamite

Originally posted in The Fashion Scoop

Shopping is a year-round sport. First there's the training - reading blogs, scrolling through Pinterest, browsing Instagram all count towards being a pro shopper. Then, there's the practicing; this is where window shopping comes in. You might not be ready to put down your credit card quite yet but you're almost there. And then, there's the main event, which of course is the shopping itself. We do this winter, spring, summer & fall, and like all truly great athletes, we never stop. There's always more to learn, there's always room to grow, and there's that ever-present goal to try to beat our own personal bests. 

Part of being a hall-of-fame-level shopper involves trying to justify our purchases by getting as much wear out of our finds as possible. In the middle of summer, this is when we really put our skills to the test. It's a bit late to shop for summer things (unless they're on sale in which case, we put on our game faces and hit that sales rack hard), and it's still a bit too hot to wear full fall wardrobes without the risk of injury - or at the very least the need to rehydrate. It's a dangerous sport but with all great risks come great rewards. These 15 fall finds will prime your closet for the season ahead and help you slay the fashion game while you're at it. Don't you just love a winning streak? Happy August - hope you're soaking up every last minute of summer xx




SHOP IT: 50 Tempting Fall Buys

Photo via Teen Vogue on Instagram

Originally posted in The Fashion Scoop

It's no secret that a lot of us are jealous of the school-age set right now. I mean, their days are planned out, their lunches are made for them, and their laundry is neatly folded for them when they get home. Unfair. But perhaps most jealousy-inducing of all is the fact that they all get to go back to their respective schools sporting brand new wardrobes. At what other age does someone grab you by the shoulders each fall and say, "I'm sorry, honey, but we need to go shopping for you today. No, don't shake your head - we are going to buy you a brand new wardrobe for fall. And you're going to like it." Like I said, unfair. 

You know what I think? It's time to reclaim our shopping rights. And since the kids are finally back in class, it's time for us to finally hit the stores for ourselves. Time for us to update our bags, to pick out some beautiful new boots, and to take home some super cute accessories, just because we can. 

I've rounded up 50 super tempting fall buys, perfect for both in the classroom and out to get you all up-to-date for the new season. Oh, and by the way, you're going to like it.




Nerd's the Word

Originally posted in The CLOSET 


Back before Blackberries, iPhones and Katy Perry, geeks were, well, geeks. They played chess during the week, hit up Star Trek conventions on weekends and picked their noses the rest of the time ;)  Not that there's anything wrong with that (except for maybe the nose-picking part).  Now, geeks have become full-fledged rockstars; they've created our can't-live-without iPods (and iPads),  used their smarts to invent lifesaving medicine and have taken over the entertainment scene with Marvel Comic blockbusters and shows like The Big Bang Theory and Glee.  Seems like nerds are having their moment in Vulcan's sun (I googled that..thanks to geeks).  

Fashion, never wanting to be left out, has fully joined the geek chic bandwagon, with designers paying tribute to our brainy friends with brilliant, feminine takes on the trend.  Here are 6 ways to channel your inner Rebecca Black


Go for bold, bright, skinny pants in lunge-friendly fabrications.  You'll be happy for the stretch when you beat your buddies at 10-pin bowling.  Plus, the bright colours will save you from getting lost in a trash can.  Fashion AND function - brilliant!


Checks, plaids and tweeds can easily look masculine so it's imperative that you pay attention to fit.  Pick a fitted, feminine blazer, a curve-hugging tweed dress or pair a flowy plaid shirt with skinny jeans.  Boy meets girl.  Squeal!


Fall 2011 is all about preppy footwear, whether loafers (flat or high-heeled) or spectator brogues.   Bullies giving you a hard time?  Kick 'em to the curb (figuratively speaking of course) with a sweet pair of shoes.


Every wannabe geek needs a great, go-anywhere bag to carry their gadgets.  A great leather satchel will hold all of your books, a boucle bag will be the perfect glee club accessory and a croco envelope clutch is ideal for a night of showing off your hot dance moves.  


When the temperature drops, it's time to break out a trusty jacket.  A corduroy blazer, plaid coat or ultra-trendy varsity jacket will put you at the head of the class.


To achieve nerd nirvana, the right accessories are a must.  Don't forget your rimmed glasses, your owl ring (a tribute to Harry Potter, of course), and a pair of argyle-patterned tights to finish off your look.  

Hope you're all having a great 1st week of September, whether you're going back to school or not.  And remember, we're all just little geeks inside.  Snort, snort.