
Entries in Real Life Runway (68)


Back at It

Me with my hair not did. Typical.

Okay, so I know I've been gone for a little while. Okay, a loooong while. I'm sorry. I don't really think I ever said goodbye, did I? Here's what happened: I was the stylist for Vaughan Mills, which morphed into me taking over a mat leave as Marketing Director, which then became another marketing mat leave contract at another shopping centre. I was offered an amazing career opportunity, so I took it and loved every minute. If you follow me on Instagram (& if you don't, please do), you probably saw just how much fun I've had over these last few years. 

But here's the thing: commuting nearly 4 hours a day with a husband in a start-up and two busy kids at home left me with z-e-r-o time to blog (or shower or brush my hair - see pic above). My life was an actual highway, and I really did ride it all night long. So, sorry not sorry?  Just know that I've really missed you over these many months. 

I've been more than a little nervous to get back to blogging; I mean, is it like riding a bicycle? Will I remember how to write? Does anyone even care about fashion blogs anymore? Can I leave like Taylor Swift and come back more relevant than ever? Or will I be like Madonna who young folk only recognize as that old lady who used to sing? Did I just compare myself to Taylor Swift and Madonna? This is off to an impressive start. 

Anyway, I'm excited to get back to sharing my favourite finds with you, if only so I can shop obsessively/ therapeutically with full justification to do so. It's called taking one for the team and team - I am here for you. Kk, let's do this...



SWIPE RIGHT | 3 Summer-to-Fall Outfit Hacks You'll Want to Try Now

via Hudson's Bay on Instagram

Originally posted in The CLOSET

All signs point to fall. The days are so much shorter, the kids are back at it and the weather - ok fine, the weather just has no clue. While I'm excited to shop for cozy oversized sweaters, jeans I'll live in, a new fall bag (um, hi Selena), and of course gorge new boots, I can't completely let go of summer just yet. Luckily, this in-between season is the perfect time to slowly transition your wardrobe while getting your mind around the fact that yes, winter is coming. Waaahhhh. 

For now, let's leave our white tees, denim skirts and floral dresses in the mix. Let's pick up a few new pieces to give life to our most-loved summer things. Simply adding a blazer, a pair of over-the-knee boots, a statement faux-leather skirt or a pretty pastel sweater will help get you in a fall state of mind. Happy (fall) shopping! It really is the best fashion season, don't you think? xo




SHOP TALK | How to Slay Fall for Under $100

Love this pretty knit from Reitmans

Originally posted in The Fashion Scoop

I have a growing list of concerns when it comes to fall shopping. First, the jeans. My old ones look old, but not old enough to look vintage, so I need new ones that look vintage but aren't, if you know what I mean. Then, the sweaters - I mean, nothing gets you over the loss of summer faster than a cozy oversized sweater paired with perfect boots. Speaking of which, don't even get me started on boots. You'd only have to glance at my bursting closets to realize I do n.o.t. need new shoes but somehow, every fall, there I am taking home blue velvet ankle boots that I 'had to have' and over-the-knee suede boots that I literally 'could not live without'. So many wants. So many bills. 

While I firmly believe in investing in quality pieces that you love, I've found loads of fantastic pieces that fall well within my shopping budget this year. The stores are loaded with cozy, well-made finds that you can add to your existing wardrobe now to get it right up to date. Silver shoes, beautifully detailed knits, and subtle hits of soft pink, purple and olive green give me all the feels I need to get pumped up for the season ahead. Scroll through the thumbnails below to get your fall fashion fix. Did I mention there's nothing over $100 on this list? #slay




SAVED BY THE BELL | Our Top 25 Kids Picks for Back-to-School


Originally posted in The CLOSET

Alright, here we go. It's time to get real, for real this time. I mean, let's face it: school starts in less than 2 weeks. I CAN'T. And yet, I must. I mean, as a mom to two young kids, I know how important it is to shop for the best things before all the sizes run out.  I know how much it means to my kids to have pants that don't fall short, shoes that actually fit and of course, aaalll the cool kid swag.  

The start of school is kind of a big deal so in my mind, it should be marked - and if marking an occasion requires shopping, that's always a win in my books. For back-to-school '17, there are so many cute things to get excited about - think graphic tees that are as cool as they are cute, shoes that can handle the pressure of any playground and magic sequins on everything. Basically, if I wish it came in my size, I'm buying it for them. 




BUY NOW, WEAR LATER | These 15 Affordable Fall Finds Will Prime Your Closet for the Season Ahead

via Dynamite

Originally posted in The Fashion Scoop

Shopping is a year-round sport. First there's the training - reading blogs, scrolling through Pinterest, browsing Instagram all count towards being a pro shopper. Then, there's the practicing; this is where window shopping comes in. You might not be ready to put down your credit card quite yet but you're almost there. And then, there's the main event, which of course is the shopping itself. We do this winter, spring, summer & fall, and like all truly great athletes, we never stop. There's always more to learn, there's always room to grow, and there's that ever-present goal to try to beat our own personal bests. 

Part of being a hall-of-fame-level shopper involves trying to justify our purchases by getting as much wear out of our finds as possible. In the middle of summer, this is when we really put our skills to the test. It's a bit late to shop for summer things (unless they're on sale in which case, we put on our game faces and hit that sales rack hard), and it's still a bit too hot to wear full fall wardrobes without the risk of injury - or at the very least the need to rehydrate. It's a dangerous sport but with all great risks come great rewards. These 15 fall finds will prime your closet for the season ahead and help you slay the fashion game while you're at it. Don't you just love a winning streak? Happy August - hope you're soaking up every last minute of summer xx