
Entries in Canadian Tire (1)


She Got Game

Dree Hemingway dons an orange toque at Balmain's Spring 2013 show - photo

In the small town where I live, it's hunting season 365.  It's not uncommon to see men dressed in full-blown camo wandering the downtown streets, XL Double Double from Timmies in hand and a mad glint in their eyes. Women need not worry about cat calls or slimy once-overs;  it's creatures of the 4-legged variety that turn these guys on, and an entirely different kind of rack they're after.  They haul themselves up into their Ford F650 with a bumper sticker that reads, 'Ditch the Bitch, Let's Go Hunting' and head out for the soon-to-be-not-so-bucolic woods, ready for a day of drinkin', bondin' and big game huntin'.  I've heard from some local sources that an orange toque is a wise investment so as not to be mistaken for a buck, but, as pointed out by rlr mini yesterday, it also makes a super cute fashion statement.  With Hallowe'en just around the bend, forego the cheesy costume and do as Dree Hemingway by pairing your orange cap with a little bit of sparkle and a lot of black.  Adorbs, right?  And a smart safety precaution, should you happen to trip through a wooded area on your way home from the party...

Might I suggest:

Thinsulate Toque, $6.99 or so at Home Hardware or Canadian Tire