
Entries in Hallowe'en 2012 (3)


All Shook Up

Hallowe'en 2012 was a thing of beauty. My little Elvis even had the hip shaking, lip curling thing down.  And my mermaid daughter with her little mermaid dog? Cuteness x 2.  Two things, though 1) I'm pretty sure that sugar sticks shouldn't be over-the-counter and 2) If you're going to draw sideburns on your 2 year-old, maybe don't wear a white coat. Somebody's going to the dry cleaner tomorrow. And somebody else is going in for sugar rehab.

Happy November! x


A Little Spirit

It's Hallowe'en and while I've tested out all the mini Kit Kats (somebody's gotta do it), carved my super cool pumpkins (thank you Pinterest) and gotten my little ones properly suited up for the spookfest, I haven't even thought about what to wear.   Sure, I could rent a wicked costume for $40 or just let it slide this year, but somehow, neither feels right.  

Hooray for stores like Claire's (or Shoppers Drug Mart, apparently) where you can get into the spirit for next to nothing.  I'll wear all black and throw on a fun little accessory like this fascinator, mask or tutu and voila! Instantly Boo-tiful.  

Oh, and by the way, how can you tell that a vampire has a cold?  Because of his coffin.  HA! sorry...Happy Hallowe'en! x


She Got Game

Dree Hemingway dons an orange toque at Balmain's Spring 2013 show - photo

In the small town where I live, it's hunting season 365.  It's not uncommon to see men dressed in full-blown camo wandering the downtown streets, XL Double Double from Timmies in hand and a mad glint in their eyes. Women need not worry about cat calls or slimy once-overs;  it's creatures of the 4-legged variety that turn these guys on, and an entirely different kind of rack they're after.  They haul themselves up into their Ford F650 with a bumper sticker that reads, 'Ditch the Bitch, Let's Go Hunting' and head out for the soon-to-be-not-so-bucolic woods, ready for a day of drinkin', bondin' and big game huntin'.  I've heard from some local sources that an orange toque is a wise investment so as not to be mistaken for a buck, but, as pointed out by rlr mini yesterday, it also makes a super cute fashion statement.  With Hallowe'en just around the bend, forego the cheesy costume and do as Dree Hemingway by pairing your orange cap with a little bit of sparkle and a lot of black.  Adorbs, right?  And a smart safety precaution, should you happen to trip through a wooded area on your way home from the party...

Might I suggest:

Thinsulate Toque, $6.99 or so at Home Hardware or Canadian Tire